Pickleball Player


There are 5 courts located in back of the main building with easy parking near the courts.

GVCC is a hybrid of Reservation & Open Play scheduling. Open Play hours are:
Monday thru Friday, 4-8:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 AM-12 Noon
All other times are by reservation. Reservations are hosted by Sign-Up Genius and can be made by clicking on the blue box at the top of this page, “Schedule a Court”.

Maximum number of reserved hours per player is 2 hours per day, and 6 hours per week.
Memberships are available for $60/year. This includes a bi-monthly e-newsletter, updates on local events, tournaments, court schedule changes, and anything community Pickleball related. To join, click on the QR code below or use the drop down box to pay by credit/debit card.


The GVCC courts are managed by an Advisory Committee of local Pickleball players who strive to maintain a quality court atmosphere with a friendly, positive, and inclusive playing environment.

The GVCC Courts are PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Participation in recreational activities always involves some degree of risk. Participants assume full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury arising out of, or in any way connected with, participation or involvement in, or presence at, the activity or program.

Respectfully, the GVCC Management

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Name to appear on the Card
Pickleball Courts